Monday, July 30, 2012

Counting down

I am counting down the date, leaving Malaysia soon. I am so excited, yet feeling so strange. 

Wish everything will be okay. 

I miss my friends. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Er. This is a nice song, really. The lyrics are so meaningful, and really touch my heart. But a few lyrics really not suitable for my thinking, so I deleted them automatically.

Trust me, you must read through those comments under this video on Youtube website. You can find different stories there, and having different feelings when you read through those comment, happy, repentant, and sad.

Fyi :

我現在終於可以叫你寶貝了:)) "

"好朋友,您的心意,我真的不能接受,,,, 只因我也愛上了我的好朋友了;.. 每晚陪他到凌晨,朝早上課卻不停地打瞌睡. 眼睛變了熊貓.被家人罵. 雖然如此,可每天都還在期待今天屬於您,和我的晚上, 我們每晚都有聊不盡的話題. 可回到學校,我卻不能正面的找您聊天. 因為,您真的很完美很完美.. 我們認識了多久? 1年?2年?3年?,呵呵, 我想您也忘了,其實我們認識了5年了:) 您知道,我每晚隔著手機.隔著電腦, 不停的告訴您,我很愛很愛您! 可現在,我們卻連朋友都不如. 對.您走了,!您食言了!您說您會回來! 可,現在呢? 在街上遇到,您裝作不認識,那,我也只能裝作不在乎;.. 身邊的朋友以為我放下了,我也以為自己,已經放下了. 可,聽了這首歌,想起從前的一切,眼睛還是忍不住要下雨了.. 您知道嗎,? 我真的以為自己已經放下您了,,, 可,眼淚騙不過自己.. 我想您!我愛您啊!您聽得見嗎?!!! 我想您. "

"坐在你的身邊 就覺得很幸福
唯一的遺憾 是我不能對你說我愛妳
那種想說不能說的悲傷 妳懂嗎?
全世界最遠的距離 真的是我就在妳面前 妳卻不知道 我愛你...
保持距離 因為 害怕有一天 被妳發現 我愛妳
我不敢去想 妳知道之後的表情 所以 一絲愛意 都不敢流露
要到什麼時候 才能伸手 擁抱妳的溫柔..."

"有時想想,都會覺得有些可惜 畢竟我們都曾經這麼靠近終點了 只是可惜,再怎麼接近 到頭來我們都只是好朋友 其實我從來都不後悔告訴你我喜歡你 也不後悔有過那些有些灰色地帶的曾經 即使當時要抽出這樣的喜歡時真的很痛苦 但如果重新再來一次 我還是會無法抗拒地再喜歡上你一次吧 這是我一定會經歷的成長過程 也許在另一個平行時空 我們會是在一起的 那這樣就夠了 至少他們會代替這時空的我們 好好幸福快樂 謝謝你的好以及不好 謝謝有你 我才會遇到另一個更適合我的人 我們都要幸福快樂!! "


Aiya. There are many stories, just read through if you are interested.

For me, it's impossible to let me fall in love with my best friend, male and female also the same. Er. It feels so.. Uhm. DISGUSTING. From the first moment I recognize him as my best friend, it is 0% There are differences between boyfriend and male best friend. It's easier to tell your bestie your secret instead to boyfriend. Best friend is forever, boyfriend? Once you two break up, he will appears as a STRANGER in your "dictionary". Aiya. It feels weird to fall in love with your bestie. >< Why don't you just tell him you love him, and if he rejects you, just back to the normal friend. If you worry he will no longer becomes your best friend, or even friend after you told him you love him. This is bullshit. If you choose not to tell him, when he kisses and hugs his girlf in front of you, can you stand it? I can't. I really can't.  If you disguise in front of him, act like you very happy. How long can you stand for it?

It does exist PURE friendship between boys and girls. At least this really happens in my life. The feeling of having a male best friend, tell you, this is awesome. You can tell him whatever shit you want to tell, especially somethings that are really hard to express to your female friends. So, don't get blurred. Best friend will be forever best friend, it's hard for coupling. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it's really HARD. It might take a moment, a day, a year for you to fall for your best friend, but it might take forever also. <3

It is da best if your bestie and your boyf can be friend. :)

If you can only pick one between your bestie and boyf, which one will be your choice.






Monday, July 9, 2012

I am stressing. I dobt know what should I pack before leaving to States. I even dreamt I didn't done all my things before the day I'm leaving. I dreamt i have many baggage and I don't know which should I use.

The days in Kedah are precious. I appreciate every moment I'm spending with my brother. I met with my bestie, E-Von. She is one of my best friends, we know since primary school, we crazy together, laugh, and cry together. WE EVEN LIKED A SAME BOY, geng enough! She is so sarcastic, now she still like to joke about me and that boy. I can't do back this on her, because she has a dear boyf now. I found one more disadvantave of single now. TT

That's all for today bye bye!